welcome to MINERVA

We are an Awarded
Digital Agency

Minerva is a Non Code creative Agency Webflow Template

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Welcome To Minerva

The awesome people who makes all this possible

About us We are a creative and talented team of   creators based on San Francisco

Who we are

We select to practice in Minerva since it is both useful and commonsense, and our clients basically adore it! It has stood the test of time and proceeds to advance – an amazing arrangement for our skilled plan group, who proceed to thrust the boundaries. It has stood the test of time and proceeds to advance – an great arrangement for our skilled creative group, who proceed to thrust the boundaries

It has stood the test of time and proceeds to advance – an great arrangement for our skilled creative group, who proceed to thrust the boundaries

What we do

We select to practice in Minerva since it is both useful and commonsense, and our clients basically adore it! It has stood the test of time and proceeds to advance – an amazing arrangement for our skilled plan group, who proceed to thrust the boundaries. It has stood the test of time and proceeds to advance – an great arrangement for our skilled creative group, who proceed to thrust the boundaries

It has stood the test of time and proceeds to advance – an great arrangement for our skilled creative group, who proceed to thrust the boundaries

Our values

We select to practice in Minerva since it is both useful and commonsense, and our clients basically adore it! It has stood the test of time and proceeds to advance – an amazing arrangement for our skilled plan group, who proceed to thrust the boundaries. It has stood the test of time and proceeds to advance – an great arrangement for our skilled creative group, who proceed to thrust the boundaries

It has stood the test of time and proceeds to advance – an great arrangement for our skilled creative group, who proceed to thrust the boundaries

Why us

We select to practice in Minerva since it is both useful and commonsense, and our clients basically adore it! It has stood the test of time and proceeds to advance – an amazing arrangement for our skilled plan group, who proceed to thrust the boundaries. It has stood the test of time and proceeds to advance – an great arrangement for our skilled creative group, who proceed to thrust the boundaries

It has stood the test of time and proceeds to advance – an great arrangement for our skilled creative group, who proceed to thrust the boundaries

We believe in good design


We build long term and pro relationships with our clients

Superior Support

We build long term and pro relationships with our clients

Help Desk

We build long term and pro relationships with our clients

Fast Downloads

We build long term and pro relationships with our clients

Featured  Work Ahead

Find our latetest works

The awesome people who makes all this possible
5 positions Full-time. Athens & Thessaloniki
Full-time. Athens based / Offices in Syntagma
Full-time. Athens based / Offices in Syntagma

We create stunning

The awesome people who makes all this possible

Plans & Pricing

The awesome people who makes all this possible

Start free while you learn more about our services

Free forever get the basic essentials

Let a team of professionals do the branding for your company.

Advanced security and performance

Let a team of professionals do the branding for your company.

Unlimited unhosted sites

Let a team of professionals do the branding for your company.

Live support

Let a team of professionals do the branding for your company.

Pay nothing for ever

Get powerful tools to make your business grow

Free forever get the basic essentials

Let a team of professionals do the branding for your company.

Advanced security and performance

Let a team of professionals do the branding for your company.

Unlimited unhosted sites

Let a team of professionals do the branding for your company.

Live support

Let a team of professionals do the branding for your company.

Per month

Take your business to the next level with our tools

Free forever get the basic essentials

Let a team of professionals do the branding for your company.

Advanced security and performance

Let a team of professionals do the branding for your company.

Unlimited unhosted sites

Let a team of professionals do the branding for your company.

Live support

Let a team of professionals do the branding for your company.

Per month
*All plans comes with 1 week free trial




Start your journey with us

Free forever get the basic essentials basic support

Advanced security and performance

Unlimited unhosted sites

Go to the next level with this tools

Free forever get the basic essentials basic support

Advanced security and performance

Unlimited unhosted sites


"We select to practice in Minerva since it is both useful and commonsense, and our clients basically adore it! It has stood the test of time and proceeds"

Lauren Allem| CFO

"We select to practice in Minerva since it is both useful and commonsense, and our clients basically adore it! It has stood the test of time and proceeds"

Sandy Ottis | Photographer

"We select to practice in Minerva since it is both useful and commonsense, and our clients basically adore it! It has stood the test of time and proceeds"

Andy Bush | CEO
What can you do for me?

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere.

Where are we located?

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere.

How can I contact you?

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere.

thank you for your visit!   thank you for your visit!  thank you for your visit!  thank you for your visit!
thank you for your visit!   thank you for your visit!  thank you for your visit!   thank you

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Cultural Digitization and Immersive apps in Venice

Excited to reveal our latest project in Venice, showcasing our work with esteemed partners in cultural digitization, blending tech innovation with heritage preservation, and promising more immersive experiences to come.

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Chatbot that Work

Discover how our simple yet effective chatbots are transforming the gaming industry by delivering swift and precise information directly to users. These tools have not only become immensely popular but have also garnered acclaim and awards for their impactful performance.

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"We select to practice in Minerva since it is both useful and commonsense, and our clients basically adore it!"

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"We select to practice in Minerva since it is both useful and commonsense, and our clients basically adore it!"

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"We select to practice in Minerva since it is both useful and commonsense, and our clients basically adore it!"

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